
So this bird follows me home..

I'm out walking the dogs on Saturday and found a Cockatiel. We knocked on some doors nearby but no one knew anyone who had a bird. It was a nice day and probably escaped through an open window or door, but it IS February, and this bird wouldn't survive on its own, so I brought it home and put it in a dog crate and gave it some wild bird seed and water.
Then today I was able to get in touch with some bird groups and someone loaned me a cage. I got some Cockatiel food and other good stuff, and now it seems I have a bird. I've posted the usual FOUND BIRD ads at the grocery store, library, light poles in the neighborhood, newspaper, online, etc... So far, no one claims him. He's a sweet bird, and wants to ride around on my shoulder. I'm sure he's missing his home, but who knows where he flew from. Yes, he can fly just fine...so his wings aren't clipped. He makes loops around the basement when I let him out of the cage down there. But he always jumps on my finger when I hold out my hand.
Anyway, just kind of a weird thing to happen. I hope his owner finds me...but so far I haven't seen any LOST bird signs or notices. We shall see. I don't really need another pet, especially one who won't wear a leash and isn't housetrained. :-)